Prayer Out Loud

Prayer Out Loud

Pray without ceasing, (1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV)

Prayer is an act of communicating to God. By praising him, asking forgiveness or simply saying “Thank you LORD” is also part of praying.

I have confession, I am not confident when it comes to praying out loud, I am not used to pray with others, I am not used to pray in public or in group. I feel stupid or funny, self-conscious when I pray in group, I felt awkward with nervousness and felt so shy or feeling of trembling down my knees, it’s a mix feelings.

I am more comfortable in writing his words or by praying by myself, than saying it out loud. I believed that God gave us the sound of mind. He didn’t give us the spirit of fear but I am struggling on this. So where’s my confidence with God now? So where’s my passion in sharing his words to others? So where’s my heart to help with others?

I believe prayer is very powerful tool to speak to God. Pray for sick, pray for miracles, petition for the souls of friends who do not know Him as their savior, aspiration to be more like Jesus, seek out relationship with Him, pray for restoration, and just keep praying. I am on this journey too, and I feel as if I am stumbling along. Praise God for His endless love and grace. He is continually teaching me about prayer, He is slowly opening my heart more to His Spirit and what He desires to do in and through me as I pray, and He is making me more and more aware of how vital prayer is. Let prayer constantly be on our lips, let it be at the foundation of our life, let it be the defense of those at the forefront of the battle.

The pathway that God leads us down takes great courage, it takes guts. Praying takes nerve. It’s an aspect, because the more we pray, the more we seek God and God asks us to pray. Once we start knocking Him, doors open up all over the place and we are entitled to pray, pray without ceasing. We certainly not stop praying to HIM, as we continually walk with HIM. We cannot live it by our own selves we need him and forever we will seek him.

In Luke 11:1, disciples said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”

So I pray, Lord please teach me the true way of prayer, which is nourished by the Your Word, Teach me to be an encourager to others by your words Oh LORD. May the Holy Spirit be with me always guiding my mouth to share your grace and love. Amen.


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