It was then that I carried you

It was then that I carried you

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

When I read the verse, first thing that comes into my mind is the poem entitled “Foot print in the sand.”

God gave us more than we can handle. If God did not give us more than we could handle, we will not call his name, then we don’t need Him, we will not seek for his help. We, simply, would be able to handle it all by ourselves. How can we be carried by God if we are not given more to handle then we can bare? We must be laden up with lessons to learn, trials and sufferings to the point of dropping to our knees from exhaustion that we need to be carried by the one and only that could carry us, and that’s only God! He is the one who will give us the strength when no one else. He will carry us when we can no longer carry our heavy suffering, we will just hold firm to his hand. Because God’s love will forever be with us. Sometimes we go through difficult and hard situations and don’t have a sense of God being present in our life.

However, when we look back through the hard times we can often see God’s is always there but we didn’t acknowledged, he is always with us all the time. God says, I will give you rest. We may not realize, but looking back we can see where God has guided and how He has helped us overcome.

God may put a passage from a books or a poem that will give us a message. God will send people we know or a stranger sometimes to tell us what we need to know. We can’t live all by ourselves nor rely on our own capabilities. We need someone we can rely on. We give thanks to God for carrying us through the hardest times by giving us strength to stand. When God help us, one way to thank Him is to acknowledge Him. Give back all the glory he has done to us.

By reading the Bible we will understand more about life, and what He wants to do for each of us.

Life is really hard to deal with, but God will never leave or forsake us!


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